Private Lessons

Learn faster with total focus on your specific needs and goals

Private Lessons are the fastest way to learn, with a coach tailored to your learning style and needs. You can design what and how, when and where you want to learn. Private lessons by personal arrangement only, call or email any time to start the personalized service.

You can take a single private tune-up session or, as many of our private clients do, take a series of lessons.

You can achieve strong and permanent changes in your performance and skills.

Private lessons are a great gift for someone special; the attention they get and the skills they gain will make for an unforgettable experience. 

A regular private session can be shared by two people of similar skill levels. Each additional person after two is an extra $200 per day.  

Summer privates will run from 7.00 am till approximately 1 each day. The cost is the same as winter privates and does not include a lift pass.

Lift tickets not included in price.

Snoqualmie and Alpental

Only 45 minutes from Seattle we can arrange private coaching to suit your needs at any time.

Mission Ridge, WA

Mission Ridge offers drier snow, shorter lift lines and and a variety of terrain to get maximum mileage working privately with your coach.

Snowbasin, Utah

A fantastic mountain to work privately with a coach as it offers everything from long groomers to steep chutes.

Sun Peaks BC

Take a multi day private with your coach of choice at this superb resort.

Timberline Mt Hood Summer Camps

Through out the summer season we can make private lane and coaching assignment for all levels.

Scroll down to select your private lesson option

Private sessions at Snowbasin Utah, and other areas outside the PNW can be arranged for individuals or groups.

Privates outside of Snoqualmie at Mission Snowbasin and Sun Peaks will have additional expenses for coaches travel, lodging and lift ticket.

Privates with Gavin do not have a 5 pack option and are paid per individual with additional fees for each person.

Gratuities are not included in the price of the private and are gratefully accepted by our outstanding coaching staff. 

We bring home exceptional memories!

Buy in bulk and save!

Buy a block of 5 regular privates in advance and save! (To be used in the same season).


Register now to help us reserve your spot early.
Register here.

Travel insurance

Snowperformance LLC strongly advises full trip cancellation insurance. Meet our new partner Wanderwell.

Ski at your ideal level

Visit our Course Levels description page to get a better idea.