About Us

Our Mission

Snowperformance is dedicated to improving your skiing and knowledge, using skill, fun and technology to move you to your next level.

Company Profile

Snowperformance was created by Gavin Kerr Hunter in 1999.  The goal: “To set a new standard in modern snow sports instruction, by creating a unique and innovative ski and snowboard company.”

We believe that permanent lasting changes can happen in all students and that these can happen quickly.

At Snowperformance our job is to approach each person on an individual basis and give them more than they expect. The Snowperformance program allows each student to participate in a dynamic, highly interactive simple and effective learning process to recognize what, why, and, most importantly, how to make changes in their performance. The clinic process incorporates natural body movements, that are explained simply, while having fun.

Snowperformance coaches excel in their sport, their knowledge of the sport and their teaching ability.  This combined with exceptional customer service skills create Snowperformance.

Our clients come from all backgrounds but all have similar goals: to get the most they can out of the sport  they love and to have as much fun as possible.

Some clients have skied all their life and been close to giving up because their technique is too physical making it no longer fun, others are looking for the best and quickest way to master the sport.

We use technology, psychology and simple sensation based learning techniques to lead clients to achieve their goals, and exceed their expectations.

This we Guarantee.


Copyright © 2024 Snowperformance, LLC

Contact Us




(253) 569-3713


2310 Belmont drive

Hood River, Oregon 97031